Rachel Millner, PsyD, (she/her) is a psychologist in private practice in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Millner has over 19 years’ experience working with clients in a clinical role. She has specialized in working with people with eating disorders throughout her career and recognized a common theme of providers who were struggling with their own eating disorders, but hesitant to seek treatment due to stigma and the challenges of finding a provider with whom they would not have a dual relationship. Dr. Millner has supervised and trained other therapists throughout her career and noticed a pattern of supervisees reaching out due to uncertainty about working with other therapists. She noticed that many of the therapists expressed imposter syndrome and concerns that their own insecurities meant the clients were not getting the best possible care. Additionally, as Dr. Millner became a more prominent and well-known psychologist in the eating disorder field, increased numbers of therapists reached out to begin treatment with her. Due to these experiences, Dr. Millner developed a particular interest in understanding both the barriers providers have when working with other providers. Dr. Millner quickly discovered the lack of research in this area and initiated conversations around this topic in clinical spaces. In response to these conversations, Dr. Millner and a colleague began a group for providers struggling with their own eating disorder and she has given talks about this issues including the keynote presentation at the MEDA conference in 2023.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Rachel Millner maintains a private practice. She receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Rachel Millner is a member of the Academy of Eating Disorders.